Not sure how many of you are familiar with the superb work being done by Kim and his crew in Florida these days. Kim is a maniac (in a GOOD way!) and has a passion for his craft. What is his craft, you might say? Well, check out the Historic Makeovers site… that’ll tell ya! Basically, Kim and the boys will take your Historic Les Paul apart – taking the neck off, removing the fingerboard and truss rod, stripping the finish, etc. – then he’ll put it all back together with a Brazzy board, proper vintage truss rod (with no rubber sheath), hide glues, proper inlays, proper binding, top and neck re-carved to vintage spec, nitro finish, etc. and the best damn aging job you’ve ever seen!
I really think that HM are at the top of their game and that they are in fact “artists”. Kim just finished my pal Steve’s guitar… and it looks spot on “real”. How do they get the lacquer checking, wear, and patina to look so REAL??? It’s absolutely amazing. Take a look at Steve’s guitar…
I currently have my real ’56 Conversion at HM for an aged Gold Top finish… and it’s gonna kill!!!